Tag: Development

Dynamics GP Development for Web Client with Custom Rendering

With the advent of the web client, a lot of things have had to change in the way we create customizations in Dynamics GP. VBA is not used with the web client, so right away, all those old VBA customization are going to need to be re-done in Dexterity or Dot Net. Many existing Dot Net add-ons will need to be updated to work with the web client, especially when it comes to rendering the forms for the web client.

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Using MS CRM “IPluginExecutionContext” to Tackle Business Needs: A 3 Part Series

The “IPluginExecutionContext” contains a property called “MessageName.” This is the name of the message that was called to perform the action. Here is a link to a list of messages: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309482.aspx .   I couldn’t find my original source for this, so you can assume that each message name is just the class name listed without the request at the end. The one we are interested in is the “ConvertQuotetoSalesOrderRequest” or the “ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder” message. This is what is called when you click the “Create Order” button and can be called through the API as well. So to figure out if that is what is creating our sales order we would simply need to traverse the parent context list and check to see if the “MessageName” property equals “ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder”. Here is a code snippet to do that. 

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Best Practices in Properly Preparing Your Company for an Upgrade

At KTL Solutions we have worked with a lot of upgrade projects involving Microsoft business products, including Dynamics GP, CRM, SharePoint, Exchange, etc. In today’s post we will discuss the preparation you can do as a system administrator to prepare for an upgrade of Dynamics CRM. An upgrade project starts early on when we first investigate/review the existing state of the CRM environment. In most cases, we perform an upgrade by migrating to a new instance of SQL server. In case of multiple version upgrades, we do a migration, and then do an in-place upgrade.

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Using MS CRM “IPluginExecutionContext” to Tackle Business Needs: A 3 Part Series


Stopping an operation using a plugin is a simple process. All you need to do is throw an exception, but its best to not just throw any exception. CRM provides the “InvalidPluginExectionException” that allows you to pass in a message that will get displayed to the user. Using that, we can alert the user that the action they took is not allowed and guide them in the direction of the correct way to create an order.

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Tips for Migrating Your VBA Code to a GP Dot Net Add-on

Recently we had the task of getting a large number of customization that had been created using VBA and Modifier to function on the GP2015 Web Client. Since VBA will not function on the web client, we had the option of re-writing the functionality in Dexterity or Dot Net. Our development team is mainly focused on Dot Net, with a few of us that are well versed in Dexterity. For this reason, we decided that Dot Net would be the best tool to use in this update, and ongoing support in the future.

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Lions, Tigers, and HTML5… Oh My!

The Dynamics world is all a buzz with the news of GP2016 set to release right around Envision (Convergence for those of you who remember the old days.)  There are some great new features and enhancements with this version, one of the most exciting being the HTML5 Web Client!

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Leverage Your GP Reports Outside of GP!

Did you know that Microsoft Dynamics GP comes with around 260 SQL reports ready to be used? These reports can be used right out of the box and they don’t require any modifications. Imagine if you could make these reports available to non-GP users; just put them on your company’s internal website; or build an iframe in CRM and display GP data inside CRM. Well, you can do all of this and more if you manage to get these reports out of GP. The way to do this is to deploy them to SQL Server Reporting Services.

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Improve Your Custom Software with Test Driven Development

In this blog, I would like to discuss a topic that is often overlooked and not because of lack of available literature, there is tons of materials and books available, but because it really has to do with a state of mind, an open mind and realizing the benefits in the long run. Working as a software developer for the past 14 years has given me a lot of situations and food for thought on how to improve and deliver software that is high quality and well tested.

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