Convergence 2009

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Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2009 is scheduled from March 10th thru March 13th this year in New Orleans.  This is a new venue for the conference and should be an interesting experience.  Convergence is a great place for Microsoft Dynamics customers to get exposed to some of the new technology that will be released along with looking at some of the third party modules that are available.

If you are new to Microsoft Dynamics this is definitely work the investment to attend.

Some of the beneifts of attending Convergence:

  1. Share experiences with other Dynamics users, over 10000 attendess are at Converence
  2. Try some of the new technology in the technology labs with Microsoft Technicians
  3. Get updated on the future of Microsoft Dynamics and what to expect over the next year
  4. Access to Microsoft technical support staff to answer questions

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