KTL Blog

Insights and News from KTL Solutions.



Tips for Migrating Your VBA Code to a GP Dot Net Add-on

Recently we had the task of getting a large number of customization that had been created using VBA and Modifier to function on the GP2015 Web Client. Since VBA will not function on the web client, we had the option of re-writing the functionality in Dexterity or Dot Net. Our development team is mainly focused on Dot Net, with a few of us that are well versed in Dexterity. For this reason, we decided that Dot Net would be the best tool to use in this update, and ongoing support in the future.

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Three New Year’s Resolutions for Navigating in your Excel Workbooks


This article shows how to navigate in your Excel workbook with ease. Below is a basic sample worksheet. Notice the Name Box. When you place your mouse near or over that area, the description 
Name Box
appears. The usefulness of this small feature is a bit overwhelming. For now, it is good to know that not only does it show the current cell’s address, it can also be used as a ‘Go To’ box.  If you know exactly or even approximately where you want to go, this little portal can take you there quickly.

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CRM 2016 SMS Marketing

What can the new SMS (Short Message Service) Marketing feature in CRM 2016 do for your company? The new SMS feature allows your marketing department/marketing staff to become truly mobile. It allows your marketing department to step into the modern era. Marketers within your company can now create powerful SMS marketing campaigns. They will be able to integrate this feature into the already existing multichannel campaigns running within your establishment. Dynamics CRM 2016’s new SMS feature will support both outbound and inbound SMS marketing in select markets.

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Lions, Tigers, and HTML5… Oh My!

The Dynamics world is all a buzz with the news of GP2016 set to release right around Envision (Convergence for those of you who remember the old days.)  There are some great new features and enhancements with this version, one of the most exciting being the HTML5 Web Client!

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2016 Sales Tax Changes: What to Expect in the New Year

Like every New Year, 2016 will bring many sales tax changes. Rates will decrease or increase, there’ll be new product taxability rules, exemptions will expire or take effect, and there will be reporting changes. The only thing certain when it comes to sales tax is that change happens. And if often happens without much warning.

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What’s New with Microsoft’s BI Stack

Microsoft has made a large investment in BI in 2015, both on-premises and in the cloud.  BI offerings across Datazen, R, Excel, Power BI and coming to SQL Server 2016 are huge.  Microsoft released a public BI roadmap on where they are headed with their BI stack.  Microsoft’s simple goal is to put the power of data in the hands of every business user.  This simple goal is inline with the #1 top ranked IT priority according to Gartner.

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Five Things to Watch for in 2016 for Project Managers

1.     Risk Management Will Become A Buzzword Of 2016

With the increase in globalization in the project management industry, we are seeing projects impacted by the likes of industrialization, weather, and even terrorism on our day-to-day lives. With the growth of Agile, project managers can begin to leverage risk analysis and become more proactive in their responses.  There are many tools to choose from in the market place, but the skilled professional will constantly sharpen their skills in order to prevent or leverage risk.

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Professional Services Using CRM

In the past, professional services technology systems were closely tied to ERP systems, sometimes baked right in, sometimes as a third party product.  The common practice was to utilize the ERP’s architecture, database and financial modules to create a full-featured financial project management system that could produce very granular financial metrics.  I recently wrote about an evolution taking place whereby professional services technology applications can now work using CRM systems, and the advantages/disadvantages of doing professional services in ERP or CRM based technology.   


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Correcting a Duplicate User in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

It was the perfect storm that unfurled to cause this commotion that had us spinning our wheels for a while. A User left the company and had been deactivated in CRM (we’ll call this record User1). Due to policy (I’m guessing policy, as I have heard the practice is not recommended) the user Account was deleted in Active Directory (AD). Well, lo and behold, this User decided to return to the company within a few months of leaving. When the Administrator attempted to reactivate the User within CRM, they were unable to because the User was no longer in AD; the User was added again in CRM (the new User record will be User2). After this the User was once again set up within AD, but any attempt to log into CRM failed.

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