Understanding Cloud Basics

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Are you new to the cloud?  It’s okay, we were all new once and let’s be honest, all the acronyms aren’t helping the inexperienced.  I came from working in Telecom, and I knew nothing!  I thought that the cloud was up in the sky somewhere.  Not too far off from thinking that the cloud was an actual cloud in the sky.  So as much as you may not know, I was also there one day as well.  There is so much to know that it truly is impossible for one person to be a master of all trades.  Alright let’s jump into these acronyms:

SaaS – Software as a Service  This is most likely verbiage that you have heard thrown around.  “It’s a SaaS model, so you pay per month.”  SaaS is specific applications delivered through the cloud.  Some common software used and sold as SaaS are email, office productivity, customer relationship management, and marketing analytics.

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service  This allows you to move your entire in-house datacenter to the cloud.  It includes your storage, servers, and software to a data center and essentially outsources the management, security, and maintenance to your cloud provider.

PaaS – Platform as a Service  Gives you the ability to utilize a platform in the cloud for building, managing, and running applications.  These platforms scale quickly and effortlessly which is the primary advantage.

Virtualization – Virtualization creates a layer of abstraction between hardware and software, enabling data centers full of servers and microprocessors to operate as a shared pool of resources.

Public Cloud – This is where multiple users utilize a single datacenter.

Private Cloud – Private Cloud is the exact opposite of Public Cloud, where one tenant is the sole occupant of a data center.

Hybrid Cloud – This is the practice of utilizing the Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and on-premise servers to make up your IT environment.

Is the Cloud the best option for me?  The very general question will get a very general answer.  Probably, and you can test the waters by utilizing a Hybrid Cloud environment.  Currently, 92% of SMB’s are utilizing some technology in the cloud.  The chances that you are already using public or private cloud technology in some capacity is very high.  The cloud will allow you and your employees to work from anywhere anytime and access to critical information when they need it most.

Let’s talk about how Microsoft Business Applications have empowered businesses like yours.  Call KTL Solutions at 301.360.0001 or email us at [email url=”info@ktlsolutions.com” class=””]info@ktlsolutions.com[/email]

Source: Microsoft Marketing; SMB Group; The Boston Consulting Group

CHAD LESCHEFSKY | Account Manager

Chad Leschefsky is an Account Manager for KTL Solutions. Chad holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Management from Shippensburg University. Before joining KTL Solutions, he interned and worked in the telecommunications industry, gaining knowledge on how to be a strong sales representative. Chad currently resides in Baltimore where he enjoys attending sporting events and many other city functions.

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